The Eucharist

The Eucharist
May the Heart of Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, be praised, adored and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time. Amen.

Monday, December 17, 2007

An Early Christmas Gift!

J.M.J +
Dear Friends of the Unborn,
I am emailing to thank all of you for the prayer coverage at New Haven Planned Parenthood last Wednesday on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and on Saturday. I wanted to share with you the fruits of your labor in serving God for the many hours that you do! On Saturday while five of us were praying the sorrowful Mysteries a car preceded to drive into PP Parking lot. In it a young woman and man rolled down their window in response to some literature we were holding up. As I got closer I could see a very fearful woman who began to cry as soon as I asked her if she was there for an abortion that day. I went on to hand her the appropriate literature and explain to her that she did not have to choose death for her baby and we could offer her the help she needed. I explained that her baby already loves her, God loves her and we love her. The young man in the car said he did not want her to have an abortion, but could not talk her out of it and she went on to say that things were not good between them right now. He looked at me and said he knows that the people in that building only want their money that they do not care about much else. I asked her if she knew who I was holding in my hands, her eyes fixed and drawn to a beautiful retablo image of Our Lady of Guadalupe I held to my chest. She looked up at me with a smile and said yes her tears began to flow harder. I then told her that Our Lady did not want her to have an abortion today and I was no longer speaking for myself but for what I believe Our Mother would want me to say. Tears began to stream. I asked her how far long she was she looked at me with a look of shame and said 12 weeks. I could hear the beautiful sound of the rosary being prayed directly behind me. I knew it did not matter what happened now because it was in Our Lady’s hands. As we talked about Our Lady of Guadalupe and the more the woman looked at the image her hard stare began to soften and at the conclusion of the Crucifixion of the sorrowful mysteries she looked up at me and said I won’t do it. I won’t do it. I am going to keep my baby. It was like watching a conversion of heart happen right before our eyes. It was surely a miracle at the prompting of the last two days of prayer as well as at the powerful Intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The next best part of the story is when I asked the young woman her name. She went on to tell me “My name is Marie” the name of Our Lady! So for all of you who came out to pray on Wednesday and Saturday as well as those of you who are praying from home or before the Blessed Sacrament thank you! We all now have a spiritual son or daughter as our early Christmas present who will get the chance to live and to love and serve God! Praise Jesus!
For those of you who would like to commit to an hour of prayer for this Saturday the 22nd at 345 Whitney Avenue Planned Parenthood please respond. We are seeking to cover the hours that the precious babies are killed from 8:00am until 12:00pm noon. It has been made very clear to me by numerous priests that this battle we are fighting is a spiritual one. The prayer is front and center and without all of you coming out to pray a sidewalk councilor would be null and void. This is God’s work and cannot be done by human hands alone. This has been the basis of the Helpers Movement all along. It is wonderfully explained in the following paragraph of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants Prayer Book. “The goal of the Helpers is to establish at every site where the Unborn are unjustly killed a presence of pure prayer so that a woman seeking an abortion can really hear a compassionate offer of help from a sidewalk councilor. While the focus is on prayer, designated sidewalk councilors speak gently to woman entering the clinic offering literature which contains available true help. In this way the Helpers create an occasion for God’s grace to work and God, for His part, does take advantage of the opportunity.”
Please remember Marie and her baby as well as the father in your prayers each day and contact me to join us in prayer on Saturday and to rejoice over the precious life that was spared!
Praise God,
Mike and Kerry

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