The Eucharist

The Eucharist
May the Heart of Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, be praised, adored and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time. Amen.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Silent No More News

I am emailing in regards to our next peaceful prayer vigil which will take place on Saturday, the 16th of August outside Planned Parenthood (345 Whitney Avenue New Haven) from 8am until 12 pm noon, the hours which the babies are scheduled to be killed by abortion. Please join us to to take an hour of prayer.

Below is some important pro-life news for CT.
May God bless you,
Mike and Kerry

Silent No More Awareness Campaign is an effort to make the public aware of the devastation abortion brings to women, men, and their families. We will no longer shroud the emotional and physical pain of abortion in secrecy and silence, but rather expose it and heal from the aftermath of abortion. We believe SNMA is a key effort in making abortion unthinkable and persuading society that women deserve better than abortion.
The campaign is a joint project of Priests for Life and Anglicans for Life and has three main goals:
· Make the public aware that abortion is harmful emotionally, physically and spiritually to women and others;
· Reach out to women and men who are hurting from an abortion and let them know help is available;
· Invite women (and men) to join us in speaking the truth about abortion's negative consequences.

We have a website where testimonies are posted and post-abortive women and men can sign up on Any sign-up information is forwarded to me and I can follow-up with them directly. Please pass this information on to any post-abortive women or men you may know. If you know anyone who is post-abortive and would like to join this group of over 7,000 post-abortion women and men, please pass the website information on to them and they can also call me with any questions.

I am planning a Silent No More Awareness Gathering at the State Capital in Hartford (north steps) for Sunday, September 7, 2008 from 2-4 pm. I would like to have the support of Bound4Life and others from your church if at all possible. I am also especially looking for pastors and clergy to support the women who will be speaking. This is the first gathering EVER in CT that I am aware of and we are trying to get as many women (and men) willing to speak and/or hold signs as possible and then enlist your prayer support and presence. I know Sundays can be challenging but would ask that you pray about it and let the Lord lead you. This gathering will be a first for many of the women speaking out so in the meantime, if you could pray for them as they prepare their testimonies (whoever the Lord wants there!) and for the team helping me to plan the gathering, I'd appreciate the prayers very much!!!!

We will be planning other events in the future and plan to participate again this year in the March for Life in Washington DC this upcoming January, 2009 and hopefully we will have a contingent of SNMA in Hartford as well. Both of these events would also be an opportunity to promote SNMA in CT. We also will be planning other events next year in different parts of the state to try to get more exposure for Silent No More Awareness in CT.

I am still trying to have Georgette Forney, one of the founders of SNMA, attend if her schedule permits. Fr. Pavone, Dr. Alveda King and Janet Morana are all traveling on this date so unable to attend.

Attached is a flyer you can distribute in your church or give to others who can help promote this gathering.


Since you cannot attend, can you please forward this information on to other pastors and friends who can help promote our event? Thanks!

Thank you for helping post-abortive women and men heal from the tragedy of abortion! If you have any questions, please give me a call.

In Christ,

Nicole Peck
Regional Coordinator, SNMA CT

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