Dear Fellow Helpers,
I am posting in regards to our next peaceful prayer vigil which will take place on Saturday, November 28th outside Planned Parenthood (345 Whitney Avenue New Haven) from 8am until 12 pm noon, the hours which the babies are scheduled to be killed by abortion. Please join us to take an hour of prayer. Abortions also take place on Wednesday from 11-3pm as well as Friday from 8 am-12 pm noon.
The picture of the baby is 13 weeks old in his mother's womb. When we go out to pray at Planned Parenthood in New Haven we often pray for the babies and their mothers and fathers but it is hard not to feel and focus on the pain of the little ones even more harshly at this time of the year when everyone else has forgotten them. Pro-abortion advocates are always talking about the rights of the mother or the "woman" and how making abortion illegal would take that away. That argument itself is bogus as we know that abortion harms women just as it kills their children. It is not a choice or a right that any woman wants to make and it is not natural for a woman to allow someone to kill her baby. We see over and over that this harms women severly in many different ways...ways that may take years to come to the surface.However it is hard to not feel the pain and the suffering of the tiny babies who have been forgotten or worst yet have never even been acknowledged at all. Our society has made them invisible or worse has made them non-existent. Our culture does not accept them as people and there is a generation of young people growing up now who will tell you this. So the next time you are in the neighborhood of Whitney and Edwards where PP is located and you drive by... please remember that this is the place where so many babies have lost their lives all because our society has said they never existed. What else is our culture telling us that we so readily believe? I can only imagine the horror we would all feel if God would only allow us to hear the haunting cries which come from that building...God help us.
On behalf of the Helpers a floral arrangement of pink and blue flowers was sent to Dr. Chu’s funeral home. Two of the Helpers have suggested that we send a donation to the Franciscan Mission House in Pittsburg where we can have 30 Gregorian Masses sung by the same priest for 30 days in a row for the repose of Dr. Chu’s soul.
God bless you,
Mike and Kerry
Planned Parenthood Thanksgiving Dinner Conversation Guide : Promote Abortion
by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
November 25, 2009Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- When Americans gather around their dinner tables with friends and family tomorrow to celebrate Thanksgiving, they will catch up on the latest family chatter and probably talk about sports and the weather. But, Planned Parenthood's president has a suggestion for those who need a topic for discussion.In an email today to supporters of the abortion business, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards unveiled her own Thanksgiving dinner conversation guide."I don't know how things are at your Thanksgiving table, but in my house we don't just make small talk," she writes, saying she is "committed to having real conversations" that invariably turn to abortion. It is Thanksgiving "conversations like these that help" promote her pro-abortion agenda, she says, suggesting that abortion advocates follow her lead."If your family is anything like mine, you'll want to be prepared to converse thoughtfully. Here's some help — a guide to dinner table conversation," Richards says.Richards links to a Planned Parenthood web page urging members to help their family "avoid dirty politics by sticking to these points. If 'turkey talk' turns to health care reform, stand ready -- we've got you covered."The page lists several talking points on the topic of abortion funding in health care that covers the Stupak amendment added to the House government-run bill to remove abortion funding and the phony Capps amendment Harry Reid put in the Senate bill to include massive abortion funding in it."If Uncle Bill wants to debate, here are a few points he will have a tough time responding to: Stupak amounts to nothing less than an unacceptable 'middle-class abortion ban,'" Planned Parenthood advises saying. "If this bill becomes law, millions of middle class women will be prohibited from buying, through the exchange, private insurance that covers abortion, a legal medical procedure."The Planned Parenthood page urges activists to tell their family that some members of the House who supported the Stupak amendment are experiencing "buyer's remorse" and that "President Obama has indicated the Stupak goes too far.""Members of Congress have been saying in public interviews that they didn't realize the impact of Stupak before they voted for this proposal. Now that they have come to fully appreciate the impact of the Stupak ban, they are indicating that Stupak went to far," it continues.The Thanksgiving dinner conversation suggestion page urges activists to tell their family that health care reform "must include abortion" and that "Planned Parenthood must be part of the Exchange."Richards says the conversation guide is great for responding to occasions where "Aunt Gladys asks you questions," but given polls showing most Americans oppose being forced to pay for abortions under their health care plan, Richards's suggestions for answer may give Americans an upset stomach.
Dear Fellow Helpers,
I am posting in regards to our next peaceful prayer vigil which will take place on Saturday, November 28th outside Planned Parenthood (345 Whitney Avenue New Haven) from 8am until 12 pm noon, the hours which the babies are scheduled to be killed by abortion. Please join us to take an hour of prayer. Abortions also take place on Wednesday from 11-3pm as well as Friday from 8 am-12 pm noon.
The picture of the baby is 13 weeks old in his mother's womb. When we go out to pray at Planned Parenthood in New Haven we often pray for the babies and their mothers and fathers but it is hard not to feel and focus on the pain of the little ones even more harshly at this time of the year when everyone else has forgotten them. Pro-abortion advocates are always talking about the rights of the mother or the "woman" and how making abortion illegal would take that away. That argument itself is bogus as we know that abortion harms women just as it kills their children. It is not a choice or a right that any woman wants to make and it is not natural for a woman to allow someone to kill her baby. We see over and over that this harms women severly in many different ways...ways that may take years to come to the surface.However it is hard to not feel the pain and the suffering of the tiny babies who have been forgotten or worst yet have never even been acknowledged at all. Our society has made them invisible or worse has made them non-existent. Our culture does not accept them as people and there is a generation of young people growing up now who will tell you this. So the next time you are in the neighborhood of Whitney and Edwards where PP is located and you drive by... please remember that this is the place where so many babies have lost their lives all because our society has said they never existed. What else is our culture telling us that we so readily believe? I can only imagine the horror we would all feel if God would only allow us to hear the haunting cries which come from that building...God help us.
On behalf of the Helpers a floral arrangement of pink and blue flowers was sent to Dr. Chu’s funeral home. Two of the Helpers have suggested that we send a donation to the Franciscan Mission House in Pittsburg where we can have 30 Gregorian Masses sung by the same priest for 30 days in a row for the repose of Dr. Chu’s soul.
God bless you,
Mike and Kerry
Planned Parenthood Thanksgiving Dinner Conversation Guide : Promote Abortion
by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
November 25, 2009Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- When Americans gather around their dinner tables with friends and family tomorrow to celebrate Thanksgiving, they will catch up on the latest family chatter and probably talk about sports and the weather. But, Planned Parenthood's president has a suggestion for those who need a topic for discussion.In an email today to supporters of the abortion business, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards unveiled her own Thanksgiving dinner conversation guide."I don't know how things are at your Thanksgiving table, but in my house we don't just make small talk," she writes, saying she is "committed to having real conversations" that invariably turn to abortion. It is Thanksgiving "conversations like these that help" promote her pro-abortion agenda, she says, suggesting that abortion advocates follow her lead."If your family is anything like mine, you'll want to be prepared to converse thoughtfully. Here's some help — a guide to dinner table conversation," Richards says.Richards links to a Planned Parenthood web page urging members to help their family "avoid dirty politics by sticking to these points. If 'turkey talk' turns to health care reform, stand ready -- we've got you covered."The page lists several talking points on the topic of abortion funding in health care that covers the Stupak amendment added to the House government-run bill to remove abortion funding and the phony Capps amendment Harry Reid put in the Senate bill to include massive abortion funding in it."If Uncle Bill wants to debate, here are a few points he will have a tough time responding to: Stupak amounts to nothing less than an unacceptable 'middle-class abortion ban,'" Planned Parenthood advises saying. "If this bill becomes law, millions of middle class women will be prohibited from buying, through the exchange, private insurance that covers abortion, a legal medical procedure."The Planned Parenthood page urges activists to tell their family that some members of the House who supported the Stupak amendment are experiencing "buyer's remorse" and that "President Obama has indicated the Stupak goes too far.""Members of Congress have been saying in public interviews that they didn't realize the impact of Stupak before they voted for this proposal. Now that they have come to fully appreciate the impact of the Stupak ban, they are indicating that Stupak went to far," it continues.The Thanksgiving dinner conversation suggestion page urges activists to tell their family that health care reform "must include abortion" and that "Planned Parenthood must be part of the Exchange."Richards says the conversation guide is great for responding to occasions where "Aunt Gladys asks you questions," but given polls showing most Americans oppose being forced to pay for abortions under their health care plan, Richards's suggestions for answer may give Americans an upset stomach.