The Eucharist

The Eucharist
May the Heart of Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, be praised, adored and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time. Amen.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

God's Plan for Planned Parenthood.

J.M.J +
Praise Jesus!
This past Saturday, the 3rd of November, Planned Parenthood New Haven experienced God’s plan for what He calls parenthood to be through the continuous prayers of His people. In response to the 40 Days For Life campaign’s prompting ( in Norwich and nationwide) St. Mary's Pro-life movement the Helpers of God's Precious Infants in New Haven, as well as pro-life advocates from around the state, came out to the New Haven Planned Parenthood’s headquarters at 345 Whitney Avenue to pray and stand vigil 24 hours for an end to abortion. The attempt to cover New Haven Connecticut's Planned Parenthood headquarters in a 24 hour prayer vigil starting 12 midnight on this past Saturday the 3rd until 12 am Sunday morning at first seemed a daunting job. Although we only had three days to fill all the hours we were successful and believe that it was through Our Lady's intercession and at the holy Will of Her Son that all the hours were covered and many with multiple people. We are aware this was nothing short of a miracle. Those who participated in this vigil have been so blessed and filled by the Holy Spirit on fire and graced with zeal for protecting the sanctity of human life in the unborn. We feel God is calling us together to unite to do great things through Him for the sake of His tiniest and helpless of children. We pray that this first vigil will be the beginning of an end to abortion, contraception, as well as the attack on the family. It is our continued prayer to build upon what was accomplished this past Saturday as the beginning of what God Wills for us as His body.

1 comment:

Stopp Planned Parenthood of Connecticut said...

I'm Mary Anne the Stopp Planned Parenthood Representative of Connecticut and would like to pray and picket the PPC in New Haven with another woman. I'm very impressed with your google I recieved of the group at St. Marys and would like to attend your prolife meetings as well.
I would also like to send you an angel ornament for encouragement.
Anyone interested in praying and picketing PPC in New Haven please respond.
In the Lord Who Is Life,
Mary Anne